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Švédská tepelná čerpadla Octopus Ice Stick budí pozornost médií v České republice i zahraničí. Připravili jsme pro vás ukázku některých článků, popisující tento unikátní produkt, který je šetrný nejen k životnímu prostředí i vašim úsporám.
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Název: Jediné „bezhlučné“ tepelné čerpadlo vzduch-voda
Zdroj: utulnydum.cz bydleni nás baví
“Ice Stick svojí technologií i životností je velmi ohleduplný k životnímu prostředí a peněžence uživatele díky nízkým provozním nákladům. Využívá pouze přírodní zdroje pro samo-odmrazení, nespotřebovává tak elektrickou energii.”
Link: http://www.utulnydum.cz/clanek/Jedine-bezhlucne-tepelne-cerpadlo-vzduch-voda
[/blox_text][blox_image image=”https://www.active-elements.cz/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/octopus_utulny-dum_web_nahled.jpg” img_width=”150″ alignment=”center” link=”http://www.utulnydum.cz/clanek/Jedine-bezhlucne-tepelne-cerpadlo-vzduch-voda” target=”_blank” animation=”none”][/blox_image][/blox_column][blox_column width=”1/4″ ][blox_text title=”Climate Solver The Ice-Stick Heat Pump” animation=”none”]
Název: The Ice-Stick Heat Pump
Zdroj: climatesolver.org
“A strong feature in the Octopus Ice-Stick is that the compressor is the system’s only moving part. This results in very limited need for maintenance and a life expectancy of the Ice-Stick outdoor unit that can be 50 years, with the pump lasting as long 25 years. Octopus also devised a hybrid Ice-Stick that uses both air and geothermal sources for heat to help keep the system working efficiently in very cold climates. “
Link: http://www.climatesolver.org/innovations/supplying-energy/octopus
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Název: Octopus Heat Pump IS – an efficient solution?
Zdroj: the-green-house.net
“Heat pumps are modern and efficient solution to provide a way of heating. Octopus is a Swedish company specialized in producing such devices, with over 25 years experience in the field and know for its heat pumps which are innovative.”
Link: http://www.the-green-house.net/octopus-heat-pumps-is-an-efficient-solution/
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Název: Octopus Ice-Stick
Zdroj: thesundaytimes.co.uk
“What is it? The Octopus Ice-Stick is a heat pump system for the home. While it cannot completely replace a domestic heating system, it claims to reduce energy use by 60% compared with oil. How does it work? Dreamed up by Kurt Karlsson, the Ice-Stick draws on the classic heat pump, but consists of a set of outdoor aluminium pipes that resemble an icicle — hence the name.”
Link: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/ireland/homes/improve/article704149.ece
[/blox_text][blox_image image=”https://www.active-elements.cz/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/octopus-the-sunday-times_web.jpg” img_width=”150″ alignment=”center” link=”http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/ireland/homes/improve/article704149.ece” target=”_blank” animation=”none”][/blox_image][/blox_column][/blox_row]